• We are not just another companie.
    We focus on quality
    against price.
  • Meet your requirement

We Are Not Just Another Company.

  •    Meet your requirement.
  •    Best quality against low price.

Industry Standard Solution

We focus on delivering industry-specific application services to customers in a specific vertical market.

Offshore Development

One size does not fit for all. We identify your requirements, pick the best technology, ensure quality and deliver on time.

Big Data Analysis

We help analyze crucial data before making any decision related to your business with our experience Data Scientist.

We Provide Quality


Product & Services.

Find out about our product and services.

Real Estate Business Management Suite

If your business deals with land (Real Estate) in terms of product then we have a perfect solution for you. Our Real Estate Business Management Suite (REBMS) is comprised of Real Estate, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Surveying and Mapping Divisions.

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Panguchi Business Suite (PBS)

Panguchi Enterprise Business Suite provides organizations of all sizes, across all industries and regions with a global business foundation that reduces costs and increases productivity through a portfolio of rapid value solutions, integrated business processes and industry-focused solutions.

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Human Resources Management System

The function of human resources (HR) departments is administrative and common to all organizations. Organizations may have formalized selection, evaluation, and payroll processes. Management of “human capital” progressed to an imperative process.

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Web Based Accounting Suite

Accounting software is an application software that records & processes accounting transactions within functional modules such as accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll, and trial balance. It functions as an accounting information system.

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Sales and Delivery Management Suite

The complete inventory management and tracking system for small, medium and large businesses. Dramatically increase profitability with an automated, user-friendly approach to inventory management. Inventory Control provides the ability to accurately manage and track inventory.

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Property Management Suite

It is computerized systems that facilitate the management of properties, personal property, equipment, including maintenance, legalities and personnel all through a single piece of software. It replaced old-fashioned, paper-based methods that tended to be both cumbersome and inefficient.

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